4 Tips to Beat Test Anxiety

Test anxiety begins far before your test day. Many tips focus on eating well, adopting good sleep hygiene habits and excellent test-taking skills, and preparing for your exam in advance. The list goes on. These are great tips, and I am almost positive you have heard about them. Thus, I will cover 4 tips that address some of the root causes of test anxiety. 

Why does Test Anxiety Occur?

When we talk about test anxiety, it usually stems from fear. Fear occurs when someone is meditating and thinking about the future. Usually, you are thinking of horrible outcomes. What if it goes wrong? What if I fail this exam? What if I do not pass and I am not able to move to the next level? What if I do not pass and I am not able to obtain my license or certification? 

Your mind may be flooded with many negative thoughts and questions.

In addition, test anxiety may stem from fear from past failures. You do not want to fail again, so you become nervous and afraid. However, God told us many times in the bible-Do Not Be Afraid, God is With You! (Isaiah 41:10)

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

What I love about being in Christ is that, as a Christian, we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16). Fear and anxiety do not exist in the mind of Christ.


Say it with me: There is no anxiety in the mind of Christ!

Tip 1: Pray About Your Test Anxiety

If you are interested in listening to my prayer for freedom from test anxiety, click here.You will find the prayer at the end of my video. 

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

This scripture alone will encourage you today in Jesus' name. It talks about the peace of God. You need the peace of God in your mind at all times. I pray that peace beyond your understanding will envelop you right now in the name of Jesus. I pray that as you sit to take your exam that you will experience peace so that you can excel on your exam without any worries, concerns, or anxiety. 

I pray that you will view this exam for what it is- an exam that you have prepared for and that God has graced you to excel on.

Also, Philippians 4:6 says that you should not be anxious, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God!

Tip 2: Guard Your Heart and Mind

It is important to guard your heart and mind at this time. What can be causing your anxiety? It could be your friend or classmate that is anxious about the exam and they are feeding you with thoughts and words that are causing you to feel overwhelmed and anxious. 

Thus, make sure you are guarding your heart and mind by being intentional about who you surround yourself with and what you listen to. 

Some of you are taking national exams. It could be the MCAT, OAT, USMLE Step 1, etc. There are a lot of online forums where people share their experiences and may say things that are outlandish and terrifying, so be careful of what you feed yourself with. 

Rather than listening to them, fill yourself with the word of God, worship music, and biblical declarations. Also, surround yourself with friends, classmates, and loved ones that will speak life into your situation.

Tip 3: Go on a Social Media Detox 

This tip is in alignment with tip 2: guard your heart and mind.

First, you need to identify social media platforms and websites that trigger your test anxiety. It could be online student forums or popular social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook. 

When I was studying for a national exam, I deactivated my Instagram and Facebook accounts until I took my exam. I did this because I noticed that there were certain things I would see online that would trigger certain emotions that were not conducive to excelling on my exam. 

A social media detox is something to consider if you find that you are experiencing more anxiety about your test when you visit social media and student online forums. 

I recommend assessing yourself and identifying if this is something you need to do. 

Tip 4: Participate in the Cast Your Cares Unto the Lord Activity

I love this activity. It was recommended to me by big sister-Nompumelelo Somo. So, what do you do? 

First, set aside some time so that you are in a place that is quiet and allows you to focus and reflect. Then, grab an index card or a blank sheet of paper and a pen. On this piece of paper or index card, write down what you are anxious about. 

For example, you may write, “ I am anxious about this exam because it will determine the specialty I can get into'' or “I am very anxious about my health and it is interfering with my studies". You may be anxious about things that are unrelated to your exam, so be sure to write everything down. Release your mind of these thoughts.

Now that you have written down everything you are anxious about, fold the index card or sheet of paper and place it in a box or envelope. Then, place this box or envelope to the side of your room and leave it there until after your exam. 

After your exam… days or so later, take the piece of paper or index card, tear it up, and place it in the trash. There is no need to revisit these anxieties. You have given them to God and they are no longer your burden to carry. 

This activity is very symbolic. You are handing over your anxiety and care to the Lord. You are giving it ALL to Him. 

Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you. He shall never permit the righteous to be moved".

God is delighted to carry your burdens and to give you the strength and grace you need to succeed. 

Cast ALL your anxieties unto Him because He cares about you and He does not want you to carry that anxiety any longer. 

If you would like to listen to this message and a prayer for freedom from test anxiety, watch the video below. 


Test anxiety begins far before your test day. Therefore, it is important to address your test anxiety at its root. Four tips you can adopt to beat test anxiety are the following:

  1. Pray About Your Test Anxiety
  2. Guard Your Heart and Mind
  3. Go on a Social Media Detox 
  4. Participate in the Cast Your Cares Unto the Lord Activity

Kindly let me know which tip(s) resonated with you the most in the comment section below. I would love to hear from you. 

Until next time, God's blessings always.

Take care!

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